Lat. 38º42'N I Long 9º25'W

There is always a reason to visit us
Cascais Marina is, by design, the setting for great International Events and is passionate about being a comfortable, welcoming leisure area for all who visit it.
In recent years it has been the host to great contests, including the America’s Cup World Series Cascais 2011, the ISAF World Sailing Championship 2007, the 49er European Championship, the QuebraMar Regatta, Cowes-Cascais, The Round Portugal Sailing Tour, Portugal Match Cup and the His Majesty the King Juan Carlos I Trophy, among many other competitions which have distinguished Cascais Marina in Portugal and in the world.
These great competitions have made the Marina a meeting place not only for sailors but also for royalty from Old Europe, some of whom are themselves fans of the sea and sailing, as is the case of King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Constantine of Greece and Harold of Norway.
Cascais has been the setting for some of the most important sailing events in the world and has a natural link with Nautical Sports and all things related to the Sea. This was reflected by King D. Carlos I, the last King of Portugal and the last in a long royal lineage who chose Cascais as his summer residence. The Bay of Cascais is a short distance from Lisbon but has a cosmopolitan atmosphere, creating a feeling of relaxed well-being, as if it were a million miles away from the capital. The King was a devoted oceanographer and widely respected for his maritime studies. He founded in this fishing town one of the most important oceanographic laboratories in the world. Sailors and nautical sports enthusiasts join tourists and the Portuguese Elite in the town and Bay of Cascais.
While inspired and influenced by the past, Cascais Marina is very much an ambitious, 21st Century project, a believer in the Environment and New Technology.
With a reliable, constant wind direction, a moderate breeze and numerous places for spectators to watch and get close to the action, it is an excellent place to hold a Sailing Event.
The decision by America’s Cup to hold the World Series here only strengthens Cascais Marina’s world reputation. The Marina is proud to have been the first place to receive the best crews and fastest sailing boats in the world, making Cascais the centre of a historic change in format for the renowned America’s Cup.
With capacity for 650 vessels, Cascais Marina has been constantly improving its facilities and services so that its already exceptional conditions – on land and in the sea – can be enjoyed by all who use them.
Hospitality, Welcoming, Functionality, Good Services and Safety are just some of Cascais Marina’s commitments.
The Cascais Marina is a unique place, which brings together various experiences and services in a single space, providing all who visit with unforgettable moments.
Cascais has unique conditions for sailing.
Year after year, the greatest sailing events of all classes return to our waters to compete.
Surrounded by a magnificent sight, the village of Cascais really knows how to welcome those who look for fun or for some glory moments sailing in challenging winds.

Exclusive and cutting-edge services, excellent dock assistance and a prime location, Marina de Cascais is simply the best marina in the Atlantic.
Cascais Marina has an excellent location and is a must-see stop for all leisure vessels which pass the Portuguese Coast. Located between Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point of the European continent, and Cabo Espichel, Cascais Marina is a safe haven for those who want to relax, shop or simply visit one of the most beautiful villages in the world, Cascais. Getting to Cascais is very easy, the are several ways to do it.